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CME/CEU Shorts 2018

Luyken Fine Arts Center 300 East 27th Street, North Newton, KS, United States

Join KIPCOR for our signature annual CME/CEU Shorts Day. We explore critical professional practice issues in mediation and conflict resolution. The training day is prepared for mediators and those interested in conflict resolution-related practices. This year's CME / CEU shorts will focus on two thematic areas - diversity and inclusion in mediation and the impacts […]

Managing Differences Within Faith Communities

Kaufman House 2515 College Ave., North Newton, KS, United States

Differences in the congregation don’t have to result in a polarization that leaves a congregation stuck in disagreement. Resilient congregations understand this. Still, many of us feel ill prepared to handle conflict within our faith communities. In this course you will learn how to transform conflict into spiritual and community renewal, focusing on: congregations as […]

Practical Skills for Managing Interpersonal Conflict (Core Mediation)

Kaufman House 2515 College Ave., North Newton, KS, United States

This unique and highly interactive training will... Equip participants with practical skills for managing interpersonal difference and disagreement. Address the impact of personal style, culture, and power on conflict. Provide technical proficiency in structured-dialogue and mediation techniques. Benefit both potential mediators and others interested in developing better skills for handling the difficult conversations we all […]

KIPCOR Core Skills: Teams that work

KS, United States

This event has been cancelled due to lack of enrollment. Join us on February 7 for the next class, Building a Trauma-Informed culture at Work and Beyond.

KIPCOR Core Skills: Hot Topics in Domestic Mediation: Never-Married Parents

Kaufman House 2515 College Ave., North Newton, KS, United States

Join us for KIPCOR's new Continuing education Series for Everyone! You will engage with local and regional experts each month to gain the everyday skills you need to lead and thrive in a diverse, changing, and polarized world. Take home skills for use in your families, workplaces, and communities. This session deals with mediating and […]

KIPCOR Core Skills: Building a Trauma-Informed Culture at Work and Beyond

Kaufman House 2515 College Ave., North Newton, KS, United States

Join us for KIPCOR's new Continuing education Series for Everyone! You will engage with local and regional experts each month to gain the everyday skills you need to lead and thrive in a diverse, changing, and polarized world. Take home skills for use in your families, workplaces, and communities. This session deals with creating a […]

KIPCOR Film Series: More Than a Word

Luyken Fine Arts Center 300 East 27th Street, North Newton, KS, United States

Please join us as the KIPCOR Film Series continues on Sunday, February 17 at 3:00 p.m. "More Than a Word" tackles the controversy over Native-American-themed sports mascots and nicknames, with a particular focus on the pro football team in our nation's capital. Following the film we will enjoy a talkback session featuring Dr. Edward Valandra, […]

HOPE Spring Session 2019

Kaufman House 2515 College Ave., North Newton, KS, United States

This Session is Full. Please register for the Summer or Fall session. HOPE consists of five interactive, skill-building, educational classes designed to reduce the negative impact of divorce or separation conflict on children by helping parents learn healthy habits for more positive co-parenting. * Understand your child’s right and need to love both parents * Focus on […]

KIPCOR Core Skills: Hot Topics in Domestic Mediation: Never-Married Parents

Kaufman House 2515 College Ave., North Newton, KS, United States

Join us for KIPCOR's new Continuing education Series for Everyone! You will engage with local and regional experts each month to gain the everyday skills you need to lead and thrive in a diverse, changing, and polarized world. Take home skills for use in your families, workplaces, and communities. This session deals with mediating and […]

KIPCOR Core Skills: Common Sense Justice – Restorative Justice 101

Kaufman House 2515 College Ave., North Newton, KS, United States

Join us for KIPCOR's new Continuing education Series for Everyone! You will engage with local and regional experts each month to gain the everyday skills you need to lead and thrive in a diverse, changing, and polarized world. Take home skills for use in your families, workplaces, and communities. This session deals with "Restorative Justice". […]