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KIPCOR Film Series 2022-23: Betty Reid Soskin

Luyken Fine Arts Center 300 East 27th Street, North Newton, KS, United States

"No Time to Waste: The Urgent Mission of Betty Reid Soskin" was released in 2019 and celebrates the life and work of Betty Reid Soskin, National Park Service park ranger, […]

KIPCOR Film Series 2022-23 – Thirst For Justice

"You might think America is a democracy, where freedom of speech and basic rights are guaranteed. But at its heart, there is a great injustice. Against all the odds several […]

Mentor Mediator Virtual Meet-Up

Virtual (Online) Event No street address, North Newton, KS, United States

This mentor mediator virtual meet-up is approved by the Kansas Office of Judicial Administration for 1 CDRE hour. Register Here

HOPE Summer Session 2023 – Virtual (Zoom)

Virtual (Online) Event No street address, North Newton, KS, United States

HOPE consists of five interactive, skill-building, educational classes designed to reduce the negative impact of divorce or separation conflict on children by helping parents learn healthy habits for more positive […]

KIPCOR Shorts 2023

Virtual (Online) Event No street address, North Newton, KS, United States

Approved for 6 hours of CDREs, CEUs, and CLEs (including 1 hr. of ethics) Register Here for KIPCOR Shorts 2023!

KIPCOR Film Series – 2023-24 Eroding History

Eroding History will be screened Sunday, February 11 at 2:00 pm in Krehbiel Auditorium on the Bethel College campus in North Newton, Kansas.  This second film of the KIPCOR 2023-24 […]