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Services & Programs

KIPCOR offers mediation, coaching, and consulting services for individuals, religious organizations, and companies.

Conflict Coaching & Consulting

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Congregational Health

Congregations can be places of vision, risk taking, encouragement and nurture. When they are, the mission of the church is advanced, members thrive, and communities benefit. Churches can also be places of intense disagreement and even conflict, leaving a trail of broken relationships that can take years to heal.

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Film Series & Community Engagement

Inspired by the idea of using film to offer opportunities for constituents to consider current critical issues through different lenses, KIPCOR officially launched its film series in 2011.

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Public Policy & Group Facilitation

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Restorative Schools Initiative

Restorative Practices in a school setting is a way of thinking about school climate and community, classroom management, and accountability for misbehavior.

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Bethel College Community

From roommate mediation to a peace oratory contest and internships, KIPCOR offers a variety of opportunities and services for Bethel College students.

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